
I was born in Ottawa, Ontario and now reside in Labelle in Canada-Quebec. I began my art career in 2018. I have been involved with the Ottawa School of Art and have been guided by various talented teachers and collaborating with fellow artists.


Painting allows me to tell a story without using words. Venturing into the realm of abstract/contemporary art, my vibrant and captivating paintings immerse viewers in a vivid tapestry of colors, evoking a sense of dynamic energy and visual symphony.

In my series “Beauty in Crisis”, I delve into the captivating paradoxes that lie within the transformational forces of our changing planet. With nature as my guide, I hope to ignite a sense of awe and introspection, urging us to reconsider our relationship with the environment. Within this series, through a harmonious blend of textures, tones, and intricate details, I unmask the profound allure contained within the fragile magnificence of disappearing icebergs. Like transient works of art, these frozen giants stand as poignant symbols of our planet’s vulnerability. My artistic endeavors also strive to unveil the palpable impact of climate change, illuminating its relentless grip on oceans, permafrost, volcanoes, forests, and beyond.

In my series “Desire for Change”, I employ a vivid interplay of colors, symbols, and forms to convey the dynamism of transformation. From vibrant hues that symbolize hope and optimism to striking contrasts that represent the old and the new, my art confronts the viewer with the urgency of embracing change and inspired action.

I am thrilled to announce my participation in a three-month art exhibition at Trio Bistro and Lounge in Ottawa from January to April 2024. For more information and to connect with me, please visit

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